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EDUCATE young women on careers in the construction industry; ENGAGE girls with women and employers in the construction industry; and, encourage young women to EXPLORE the construction industry



Educating young women, while creating partnerships, and removing barriers to develop a strong and diversified workforce for the construction industry.



Power UP Inc.’s Core Values are: Education, Partnership, Collaboration, Diversity and Inclusion, Dedication and Commitment.

These values are at the center of Power UP Inc.’s commitment to addressing the systemic failure to educate young talented women and encourage them to become engaged in STEM fields in general, but specifically within the construction industry. Careers in the construction industry are not only exciting and interesting, but can also be lucrative when held by individuals with the right skillsets, industry knowledge and training.  Power UP Inc. is committed to assisting young women in obtaining these skills. Power UP Inc. recognizes, when you are passionate about what you do, and feel fulfilled in your work, you can move mountains; we are devoted to assisting young women in reaching their fullest potential.

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